Damage Prevention

Pipeline Safety Bureau Excavation Law Online Training


New Mexico Public Regulation Commission Pipeline Safety Bureau, or PSB, Is charged with the task of enforcing Federal and State Pipeline Safety Regulations in order to provide for the safe operation of natural gas and hazardous liquid facilities.

The PSB is responsible for investigating intrastate pipeline incidents and accidents within New Mexico, enforcing the State Excavation Damage Prevention Law, as well as licensing crude oil, natural gas, and oil and gas product pipelines.

Language: English

  • M1 - Introduction
  • M2 - Planning & Administration
  • M3 - Worksite Investigation & Preparation
  • M4 - Be Prepared to Submit a Locate Request
  • M5 - What Happens Next
  • M6 - Dig Safely
  • New Mexico Excavation Law Exam
  • New Mexico Certification Survey
Completion rules
  • You must complete the test "New Mexico Excavation Law Exam"
  • Leads to a certification